Tuesday, October 25, 2005

New Critter In The Back Porch Menagerie....

I have already told you the tales of the cicada and the moths...well, there's a new critter in town...And the newest member of the Wolcott Back Porch Menagerie is....Preston the Possum...Preston has beady little eyes...and a fondness for chinese food scavenged from back porch garbage cans...He doesn't like fake people...Care for the environment...Doesn't seem to have much use for plastic cups...but DOES like to pick every last bit of meat off of discarded chicken bones...He also is not particularly concerned with the noises that occur inside the house nearby his favorite garbage can...In fact, I disturbed him the other morning, and he gave me quite a look of disgust...evey bit of a "Do you MIND ?" stare...He's a charming one, that Preston...So if you see him around, give a welcome to the neighborhood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should bake him a cake or something, as a sort of "welcome to the 'hood" gesture.