Monday, November 24, 2008

Meet My Ties Volume 37

Thanksgiving Tie
Wild Ties
100% Polyester

In anticipation of the holiday this week, I am sharing with you my Thanksgiving tie. As you can see, it has Happy Thanksgiving" written on it, in borderline ransom-note style, and below that, a nice photo of a Thanksgiving themed Tee-Vee dinner.
Here's a closer look...

And closer still...

Enjoy your Monday, Crimestoppers !!!


Zoooma said...

In your never-ending parade of ties, Paticus, this one's a bit more unique! Interesting... and scary?

Hmmm... I suddenly have a craving for a Swanson Hungry Man TV-dinner.

To you and your family, Paticus -- Happy Thanksgiving!

Paticus said...

Zoooma!!-Thank you sir, and Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you and yours as well.