Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Movie Is This From? Episode 259:Special Lady Birthday Edition.

We have no winner from last week! Nobody recognized

 It doesn't matter. You are a musician. And under no circumstances am I allowed to go out with a musician. I'm sorry.

from "The Buddy Holly Story". Onto this week's clue, a movie from 2004:

 Oh... guys? Don't stay in here all day. I had to take the batteries out of the carbon monoxide detector; it was beeping all night.

Good luck, Dillweeds!!

   Oh, and I want to wish a very Happy Birthday to My Special Lady. She ROCKS!!!!


Lauren Matson said...

Garden State, with the fantastically fun to look at Peter Saaaarsgaaaard.

Lauren Matson said...

It's nearly flu season. I should probably get out my Peter Sarsgaard SARS Guard.