Sunday, April 02, 2006


How's everybody feeling ?


Anonymous said...

Little tired, not looking forward to starting a new week. Thanks for asking! You?

DoctorMama said...

I want my hour back!
Why can't we just STAY on daylight savings?

Lauren Matson said...

I'm wondering how expensive it would be to hire a hard-up undergrad with a good grasp of English to do the rest of my coursework for me.

Paticus said...

C2: I hear you on the new week, though all of my days just kind of blend together in a a mash of bananas and sweet potatoes and cereal...

DoctorMama: AMEN !!! Though daylight savings was always much worse when I was in middle and high school, as I always had to work on Sunday mornings(paper route, then night/weekend custodian in a church) so i always had to work after losing that damned hour !!

Lauren: I still don't have a job, you need a paper full of swears and odd references to the Grateful Dead ? I'm your man !!

Feral Mom said...


Paticus said...

Feral Mom,
I am sure that's a misspelling, for I assume you meant to type

Anonymous said...

Noooo. I am happy to have given up my hour because the extra hour of sun (when we get it in Chi) makes me happy. I don't like the give-an-hour, take-an-hour game we play twice a year. I was thinkin' of movin' over to Indiana and then those dumb hicks agreed to play the time change game.

Anonymous said...

Slight headache. Enjoying daylight savings time because the early morning sunlight was waking me up. I'd rather have the daylight at the end of the day than 5 a.m., thank you very much!