Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Name That Lyric....Episode 6

Epsiode 6...Hey, we've tied Star Wars !! Whoo-Frickin'- Hoo !!!!
As I'm sure you all know, we have co-winners of episode 5: Lauren got the band correct(Black Crowes) and Feral Mom guessed the title of the song "She Talks To Angels"...Congratulations !!
And now, right here on this blog...Epsidoe 6 !!

"God it's so painful
When something that is so close
Is still so far out of reach."

Good Luck, Crimestoppers !!!


Anonymous said...

Tom Petty, "American Girl."

And are you and your clan back in the Windy City now (its Tuesday). I've been out of town and occupied with other stuff so I forgot to write you to inquire.

Anonymous said...

American Girl! Tom Petty! The first song they played at my senior prom! And used in some Stephen King movie! Yay!