Thursday, May 25, 2006

What Movie Is This From...Episode III

"Welcome back my friends/ To the show that never ends/We're so glad you could attend/come inside, come inside"- Is that ELP ? It IS prog rock though, right ? I think it's ELP...Oh well, it doesn't matter, we're not here to name lyrics are we ? No we are not.(that's tomorrow)
We are here to Guess What Movie This Is From !!
Last week's was won by the lovely Stephanie, who also chastised the Quizmaster for an easy question...I must say, I would not have thought that the only line spoken by "The Stomach" at the Hot Dog Eating Contest in Meatballs ("What ? No Mustard ?")would be a softball of a question..But I suppose the power of the line reading by that guy really touched people...Anyway, lets' move on to today's game:

The year is 1984...

"I'm an exchange student...(belch)...From Slobovia."

Good Luck, Crimestoppers !!!


Feral Mom said...

Silkwood? Coal Miner's Daughter? It was definitely Sissy Spacek.

Paticus said...

Feral Mom, I think you are confusing this line with Sissy's line from "Sorority Babes In the SlimeBall-Bowl-O-Rama", in which she is heard to remark..."I'm a visting Professor...(belch) from Slutsylvania." It's a pretty common error, Ebert made it on At The Movies once, and Leanord Maltin does it all the time...