Thursday, June 15, 2006

This Ever Happened To You ?

So, it's a really hot and humid day, and your car(Clementine, in this case) has been sitting in the sun all day. You come out of work and are ready to go home. You climb into your sauna of a car, realizing what a pizza must feel like as it is deposited into the oven on that wooden shovel. You turn the car on, and you forgot to turn off the A/C when you got out of the car, so a blast of Satan's own breath smacks you in the face...And you actually wretch...You physically feel like you will throw up...That ever happen to you ?
Man, it sucks.


Lauren Matson said...

Reason number 875 why Florida sucks and you should come back to Chicago.

And so should I.

Paticus said...

Now, I'm not saying that there aren't many many reasons that Florida sucks and that I should return to Chicago(as should you), but I think this particular scenario is just as likely to happen in Chicago...