Thursday, August 24, 2006

Is It Horrible...

That I really could not give a shit less about the fact that Pluto is no longer a planet ?

In fact, I find it rather appropriate that now the final planet in the solar system is called Uranus. I think there's a cosmic symmetry to that.

EDIT: Ooops. In my haste to make a dirty joke, i completely forgot my elementary solar system learnin', and forgot that Neptune is the last planet now, not Uranus...I apologize...I guess Jerry Lewis was right when he told me that I didn't have to work blue, it cheapens me....Hellfuck!!!


EuroYank - Virginia Hoge said...

I don't think you look dumb. You only have four favorite blogs, and your sidebar is not cluttered up with overkill info. You are pretty damn smart, and you can write way smarter than a dumb guy.

Anonymous said...

It didn't get a very good mention in "Interplanet Janet", anyway.

SeniorGato said...

Can't blame ya for not caring. I mean, why bother learning something if they keep changing the text books on ya :P Meh, I guess I'll learn it anyway. My Very Educated Mother Just Served US Nine ...... nothing :P