Thursday, December 03, 2009

Beam Me Up, Scotty...

So, I watched the new Star Trek movie this weekend. Meh. Didn't hate it, didn't like it either.Mostly just didn't care.
  Was this because I was not a big fan of the tee vee shows ? Or the other eleven thousand Star Trek movies ? I liked Wrath of Khan, and I liked the one where they return to Earth in our time. Otherwise, I'm not even sure which ones I watched. I remember being very excited to see "Star Trek: the Motion Picture" when it was first released, and being bored out of my skull by it.

  Any of you guys or gals big Star Trek fans ? What is it with me and Star Trek ? Why don't I get it ? Am I just too stupid  ?


Verdant Earl said...

I watched it again this past weekend having already seen it in the theater. I thought, story-wise, that it was meh as well. But I liked the new direction it took and it looked great in IMAX.

Jessica said...

I love Star Trek! The new movie was great, for what it was. I really thought it was going to be a total disaster, but I was pleasantly surprised. I just like the realness of the Star Trek I guess,...yeah, it's Sci fi, but it just seems more real to me than let's say, Star Wars. Which is great in and of itself, but I like Trek better. If that makes any sense at all. lol

Avitable said...

I don't like the series or the original movies, but I absolutely loved the new one. I saw it three times in theaters and twice on Blu-ray already.

Paticus said...

Earl- perhaps It suffered from an initial viewing on the small screen.

Jessica- I'm glad that you liked it.I'm a pretty big Star wars geek, so maybe that explains part of it. maybe the realness makes me uneasy. :)

Avitable-Interesting.That seems to blow all of my theories out of the water. I guess it is just me. i am the problem.