Thursday, April 24, 2008

Praise Ogma, It's Thursday !!!! -Big Announcement !!!!!

That's right, Crimestoppers...It's THURSDAY, time to once again, Praise Ogma !!

I have not received any cease and desist paperwork from Ogma or his team of lawyers, so it seems that Praise Ogma, It's Thursday is a go !! And I must tell you, I feel the magic already, don't you ?

I woke up this morning, and I was so excited that it was Thursday. I was fully ready to Praise Ogma !! It's kickass, man, I'm telling you.

I am still reworking the screenplay for the P.O.I.T. movie..I don't want to tell you folks about it just yet. In due time, I promise.

The business plan for P.O.I. Thursday's is coming together...If you're interested in maybe obtaining a franchise in your neck of the woods, just let me know.

I have also started talking to some folks about merchandising, and here's the big announcement-

We are going to have a contest for the Praise Ogma It's Thursday logo !! Prizes to be determined, so get designing, Crimestoppers !!!!!

E-mail me your ideas

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